Sorry it's been so long.
Life has taken over and I don't have much time to myself these days.
Hayden is great. 10 weeks old today. Can you believe how fast that has gone!
He is getting so grown up already.
We had a tough few weeks where he screamed all day long and of course all night long but the last week has been great and we are all getting some decent sleep again.
Breastfeeding is going great. He can't get enough and I love our time one on one.
Here are some recent pics...
The other boys are great. Mitchell is a wonderful big brother and I love seeing them interact.
Well I better run. Booby boy has woken.
I have to come back later. I need to list everything I want to remember about Hayden. You know those little things you forget over time.
Caroline XO
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Please tell me it WON'T be like this forever...
Hayden's first day home from hospital.. So far..
I have a toddler who refuses to go to bed who keeps screaming at the top of his voice right next door to Haydens room.
I have a baby who won't stop feeding off me. Well hasn't since about 3pm today.
Did I mention I have mastitis?
I have a husband who has just started vomiting left right and centre.I got a whole of about 2 hours sleep last night with no rest for even 5 mins today.
What a great first day home.
It does get better doesn't it?
I can't believe how quickly you forget how hard having a newborn is. Let alone a newborn and a toddler.
*breathe Caroline breathe*
I have a toddler who refuses to go to bed who keeps screaming at the top of his voice right next door to Haydens room.
I have a baby who won't stop feeding off me. Well hasn't since about 3pm today.
Did I mention I have mastitis?
I have a husband who has just started vomiting left right and centre.I got a whole of about 2 hours sleep last night with no rest for even 5 mins today.
What a great first day home.
It does get better doesn't it?
I can't believe how quickly you forget how hard having a newborn is. Let alone a newborn and a toddler.
*breathe Caroline breathe*
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I can see the light...
Hayden is now having at least 2-3 breastfeeds a day plus a bottle of my expressed milk overnight when I am not there.
I saw the paed and he said if we keep going the way we are, I could room in for 2 nights next week and bring him home..
I have been crying with joy ever since.. Maybe it's a bit of relief also.YAY!
I saw the paed and he said if we keep going the way we are, I could room in for 2 nights next week and bring him home..
I have been crying with joy ever since.. Maybe it's a bit of relief also.YAY!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hayden's Birth Story...
I fell pregnant about 3 months after deciding to TTC.
Our due date was the 12th of October 2007.
I saw my OB immediately (I think I was about 3 or so weeks) and I commenced Clexane injections twice a day, Cartia tablets and lots of rest. He said the key would be the injections. They would get me my baby.
When I was approximately 7 weeks I had a large bleed and was devastated. I thought it was all over again. A scan showed a beautiful healthy baby with just a small bleed behind the placenta that should fix itself. The same thing happened at around 10 weeks but a scan once again showed a beautiful healthy baby.
At our 12 week scan, we were told we were having another boy. We were over the moon. A little brother and playmate for Mitchell.
Things progressed really well and at my 19 week scan, it was confirmed that this baby was definitely a boy.Week after week this baby proved that he was big and strong and always measured approx 3-4 weeks ahead of my dates. I was thoroughly enjoying being pregnant for once. I had such a good feeling that things would be ok.
We finally reached the magical 30 week mark. Our second son Mitchell was born at 30 weeks as I had pre-eclampsia and HELLP. My BP was always perfect this pregnancy so that was one milestone down.
A week later at 31 weeks, it did creep up a little and I was hospitalised for a few days and then put on bed rest but after the hospital stay, it was perfect and I was taken off bedrest.
At week 34 I was admitted again as I was having quote strong contractions and was in a lot of pain. It was put down to really strong BH's but was kept in overnight, just in case.
Dean and I had a big think about things and I was slowly starting to freak out as we were coming up to 36 weeks which is when we lost out first born son at birth, Jayden. We decided to have a chat to my OB as we wanted this baby out. My OB was reluctant at first and begged me to give it one more week. I agreed and it was decided that he would deliver sometime between 35 and 36 weeks (he would have preferred between 36 and 37 but he finally agreed with me that this baby was safer outside than in). We were to discuss the exact day at an appointment with him on the Monday when I was 35 weeks and 2 days. That Monday came and I was feeling pretty crappy about things. I wasn't coping emotionally and wanted him out and safe.
At the appointment I was put on the CTG monitor as I hadn't been having very many kicks. The CTG was on for over half an hour and not one movement was found. It was decided that he would be born THAT NIGHT!
Lucky I took all my bags to the appointment and had made arrangements for Mitchell. Oh and I also cleaned the house top to bottom that morning. I must have know hey!
So off we went straight across the road to the hospital.I was admitted at around 4pm and told the Caesar would be at approx 8pm.Dean and I sat waiting for what seemed an eternity. My mum came up with Mitchell to say our goodbyes and see our son, as a family of 3 one last time. I started getting all teary realising that little man had to all of a sudden grow up.
So after all the prep was done on me, I was finally taking to the theatre rooms at around 7.30pm. We were taken in to a separate room to have the spinal block inserted. This was hell. It took approximately 25 minutes for it to be inserted. She could not get it in to the right place. She told me she would give it one more go and if she couldn’t' get it, I would have to be knocked out. I was told to tell her if I thought it was going to one side more than the other. As I didn't want a general I guessed and said it was going to the left and luckily I was right. It was finally in place and started taking effect.I was then wheeled in to surgery and met by my OB. I think he was just as excited as Dean and I.
After what seemed like a minute, our beautiful little miracle HAYDEN JACK was born. He was amazing. The relief I felt was instant. It was finally over and I could now concentrate on being a mum again. FINALLY!
Oh I should add that my first glimpse of Hayden was of him weeing all over me just after he was pulled out. Typical boy.
He was given to the paed as he was 5 weeks early, to be checked out but he was fine. He was handed to me and we had the most beautiful cuddles for while I was being stitched up. He was finally taken off me and Dean got to cut the cord. This was very special for him as he didn't get to do it with Jayden or Mitchell.
As all of this was happening and my OB was finishing up, I could feel myself starting to slip off the table as it was tilted slightly. I first felt my leg go and then my body started to go. I was caught in time. That was scary. Not sure what happened there. I will be asking my OB at my 6 week check up.
I didn't want Hayden to be left at all so Dean headed up to the special care nursery with Hayden while I went to recovery.I was only in recovery for a short 10 minutes and I was taken straight to the nursery. There he was. My gorgeous son. Finally.
He had some respiratory distress from being early and a wet lung from the Caesar but other than that, he was very well.
His stats were:
DOB - 10.09.07
Weight - 3.1kgs
Length - 49.9cms
HC - 34.5cms
Apgars - 7 and 8
He has continued to get stronger and stronger every day.
He is currently still in hospital and will be for at least another week to 2 weeks. He is now having some feeding and sucking issues but is slowly getting there. So I am once again doing the travelling to hospital thing very day (but this time it's only 5 minutes instead of the hour and a half that it was with Mitchell). I hate leaving him every day but I know he will be home sooner than later.
Our family is now complete (for now at least) and life could not be better. I have my 3 beautiful boys and a husband that I love more now than ever.
Here are some photos:
Our due date was the 12th of October 2007.
I saw my OB immediately (I think I was about 3 or so weeks) and I commenced Clexane injections twice a day, Cartia tablets and lots of rest. He said the key would be the injections. They would get me my baby.
When I was approximately 7 weeks I had a large bleed and was devastated. I thought it was all over again. A scan showed a beautiful healthy baby with just a small bleed behind the placenta that should fix itself. The same thing happened at around 10 weeks but a scan once again showed a beautiful healthy baby.
At our 12 week scan, we were told we were having another boy. We were over the moon. A little brother and playmate for Mitchell.
Things progressed really well and at my 19 week scan, it was confirmed that this baby was definitely a boy.Week after week this baby proved that he was big and strong and always measured approx 3-4 weeks ahead of my dates. I was thoroughly enjoying being pregnant for once. I had such a good feeling that things would be ok.
We finally reached the magical 30 week mark. Our second son Mitchell was born at 30 weeks as I had pre-eclampsia and HELLP. My BP was always perfect this pregnancy so that was one milestone down.
A week later at 31 weeks, it did creep up a little and I was hospitalised for a few days and then put on bed rest but after the hospital stay, it was perfect and I was taken off bedrest.
At week 34 I was admitted again as I was having quote strong contractions and was in a lot of pain. It was put down to really strong BH's but was kept in overnight, just in case.
Dean and I had a big think about things and I was slowly starting to freak out as we were coming up to 36 weeks which is when we lost out first born son at birth, Jayden. We decided to have a chat to my OB as we wanted this baby out. My OB was reluctant at first and begged me to give it one more week. I agreed and it was decided that he would deliver sometime between 35 and 36 weeks (he would have preferred between 36 and 37 but he finally agreed with me that this baby was safer outside than in). We were to discuss the exact day at an appointment with him on the Monday when I was 35 weeks and 2 days. That Monday came and I was feeling pretty crappy about things. I wasn't coping emotionally and wanted him out and safe.
At the appointment I was put on the CTG monitor as I hadn't been having very many kicks. The CTG was on for over half an hour and not one movement was found. It was decided that he would be born THAT NIGHT!
Lucky I took all my bags to the appointment and had made arrangements for Mitchell. Oh and I also cleaned the house top to bottom that morning. I must have know hey!
So off we went straight across the road to the hospital.I was admitted at around 4pm and told the Caesar would be at approx 8pm.Dean and I sat waiting for what seemed an eternity. My mum came up with Mitchell to say our goodbyes and see our son, as a family of 3 one last time. I started getting all teary realising that little man had to all of a sudden grow up.
So after all the prep was done on me, I was finally taking to the theatre rooms at around 7.30pm. We were taken in to a separate room to have the spinal block inserted. This was hell. It took approximately 25 minutes for it to be inserted. She could not get it in to the right place. She told me she would give it one more go and if she couldn’t' get it, I would have to be knocked out. I was told to tell her if I thought it was going to one side more than the other. As I didn't want a general I guessed and said it was going to the left and luckily I was right. It was finally in place and started taking effect.I was then wheeled in to surgery and met by my OB. I think he was just as excited as Dean and I.
After what seemed like a minute, our beautiful little miracle HAYDEN JACK was born. He was amazing. The relief I felt was instant. It was finally over and I could now concentrate on being a mum again. FINALLY!
Oh I should add that my first glimpse of Hayden was of him weeing all over me just after he was pulled out. Typical boy.
He was given to the paed as he was 5 weeks early, to be checked out but he was fine. He was handed to me and we had the most beautiful cuddles for while I was being stitched up. He was finally taken off me and Dean got to cut the cord. This was very special for him as he didn't get to do it with Jayden or Mitchell.
As all of this was happening and my OB was finishing up, I could feel myself starting to slip off the table as it was tilted slightly. I first felt my leg go and then my body started to go. I was caught in time. That was scary. Not sure what happened there. I will be asking my OB at my 6 week check up.
I didn't want Hayden to be left at all so Dean headed up to the special care nursery with Hayden while I went to recovery.I was only in recovery for a short 10 minutes and I was taken straight to the nursery. There he was. My gorgeous son. Finally.
He had some respiratory distress from being early and a wet lung from the Caesar but other than that, he was very well.
His stats were:
DOB - 10.09.07
Weight - 3.1kgs
Length - 49.9cms
HC - 34.5cms
Apgars - 7 and 8
He has continued to get stronger and stronger every day.
He is currently still in hospital and will be for at least another week to 2 weeks. He is now having some feeding and sucking issues but is slowly getting there. So I am once again doing the travelling to hospital thing very day (but this time it's only 5 minutes instead of the hour and a half that it was with Mitchell). I hate leaving him every day but I know he will be home sooner than later.
Our family is now complete (for now at least) and life could not be better. I have my 3 beautiful boys and a husband that I love more now than ever.
Here are some photos:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
We had 2 breastfeeds...
Had a good day again today. 2 breastfeeds today. YAY! Paed said that if he keeps this up for another 24 hours or so, they will introduce a bottle of EBM over night and try one more breastfeed during the day more than what we are doing now and I could room in by the end of the week for a few nights and he could come home. I just hope he keeps it up. I hate this coming home without him. I feel on such a high when I am up there with him and then feel like, excuse the french, but sh*t when I am away from him. I don't feel like a new mum at all.
Anyway other than that we had a lovely day just laying together and sleeping together. I love how we can go to our own room every day.
Thats all from me for now...
Anyway other than that we had a lovely day just laying together and sleeping together. I love how we can go to our own room every day.
Thats all from me for now...
We had a breastfeed...
Well, I am exhausted.
But....Hayden had a full booby feed. YAY! He went so well and was so full afterwards that he slept for 3 hours. Let's hope he keeps that up at home.
Oh and can you believe this nurse today. She called me a COW! because I produce so much milk (lol) She asked if I was interested in donating to the milk bank. I am seriously considering it. If I can help one newborn who doesn't have the best start to life due to prematurity or something, then I am all for it. I will only donate all my frozen milk (and trust me, there is a lot already) once Hayden is home and fully breastfed.
He also had his newborn screening hearing test today. He passed with flying colours.
Check this pic out - My little DJ having his hearing test:
And I love this one I took today:
Oh and one with Mitchell:
Anyway I am exhausted, am going to express and head to bed.
Till next time...
But....Hayden had a full booby feed. YAY! He went so well and was so full afterwards that he slept for 3 hours. Let's hope he keeps that up at home.
Oh and can you believe this nurse today. She called me a COW! because I produce so much milk (lol) She asked if I was interested in donating to the milk bank. I am seriously considering it. If I can help one newborn who doesn't have the best start to life due to prematurity or something, then I am all for it. I will only donate all my frozen milk (and trust me, there is a lot already) once Hayden is home and fully breastfed.
He also had his newborn screening hearing test today. He passed with flying colours.
Check this pic out - My little DJ having his hearing test:
And I love this one I took today:
Oh and one with Mitchell:
Anyway I am exhausted, am going to express and head to bed.
Till next time...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
My first day at home...
Well my first day away from Hayden is over.
I spent all day up at the hospital and spent the whole day cuddling and just watching him.
He had one good breastfeed and spent the rest of the day sleeping.
He just gets more and more beautiful every single day.
Even Mitchell had his first cuddle today. He loves his little brother and Hayden was so happy while he was in Mitchell's (and mine of course) arms.
Having a bit of a downer this afternoon. I just hate leaving him. It just sucks. I want him to be home with us, finally as a family. I want to be a proper mum to my son and not have midwives (as much as I love them) watching over every move and constantly asking did he wee? did he poo? how long did he feed for? both sides????? etc etc
Not long I suppose.
Well I am exhausted. Am going to go and lay on the couch. Not before I empty these boobies of course.
I spent all day up at the hospital and spent the whole day cuddling and just watching him.
He had one good breastfeed and spent the rest of the day sleeping.
He just gets more and more beautiful every single day.
Even Mitchell had his first cuddle today. He loves his little brother and Hayden was so happy while he was in Mitchell's (and mine of course) arms.
Having a bit of a downer this afternoon. I just hate leaving him. It just sucks. I want him to be home with us, finally as a family. I want to be a proper mum to my son and not have midwives (as much as I love them) watching over every move and constantly asking did he wee? did he poo? how long did he feed for? both sides????? etc etc
Not long I suppose.
Well I am exhausted. Am going to go and lay on the couch. Not before I empty these boobies of course.
He's here!
Hi everyone..
As most of you know, our beautiful little man, Hayden Jack Fogg arrived on Monday, 10th of September 2007 at 8.25pm.
He was born 5 weeks early and weighed in at a whopping 3.15kgs (or 6 pound, 15 oz).
The caesarean went as well as can be expected (apart from me nearly falling off the table and the spinal block/epidural taking 25 mins to be inserted which nearly resulted in me having to be knocked out but will tell you about that at a later date) and I have recovered exceptionally well. A huge difference to the caesar with Mitchell.
Unfortunately Hayden is still in hospital and will be for maybe another week. He is having some feeding issues so we need to get that sorted before he can join us at home. I will be going back and forth from the hospital as I did with Mitchell, every day and night to feed, but just no where near the 70 odd days we did with him.
You can see all his photos here:
I have to warn you though. There are a couple of caesar pics and some breastfeeding shots so be warned.
Mitchell is still a little iffy. I think it's mainly because Hayden isn't home with us and also because Mitchell is well and truly over being dragged back and forth from the hospital. The poor mite. He does talk of Hayden all the time and I think we will be fine when Hayden comes home. We can't believe Mitchell is a big brother. He all of a sudden seems so grown up.
Well that's about it from us for now.
Hope you are all well and look forward to you all meeting Hayden if you haven't already.
Much love..
The Foggs XO
As most of you know, our beautiful little man, Hayden Jack Fogg arrived on Monday, 10th of September 2007 at 8.25pm.
He was born 5 weeks early and weighed in at a whopping 3.15kgs (or 6 pound, 15 oz).
The caesarean went as well as can be expected (apart from me nearly falling off the table and the spinal block/epidural taking 25 mins to be inserted which nearly resulted in me having to be knocked out but will tell you about that at a later date) and I have recovered exceptionally well. A huge difference to the caesar with Mitchell.
Unfortunately Hayden is still in hospital and will be for maybe another week. He is having some feeding issues so we need to get that sorted before he can join us at home. I will be going back and forth from the hospital as I did with Mitchell, every day and night to feed, but just no where near the 70 odd days we did with him.
You can see all his photos here:
I have to warn you though. There are a couple of caesar pics and some breastfeeding shots so be warned.
Mitchell is still a little iffy. I think it's mainly because Hayden isn't home with us and also because Mitchell is well and truly over being dragged back and forth from the hospital. The poor mite. He does talk of Hayden all the time and I think we will be fine when Hayden comes home. We can't believe Mitchell is a big brother. He all of a sudden seems so grown up.
Well that's about it from us for now.
Hope you are all well and look forward to you all meeting Hayden if you haven't already.
Much love..
The Foggs XO
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
How things can change...
Well.. After spending Tuesday night in hospital with false labour pains and having a scan done on Wednesday, it has been decided H will make an appearance within 7-10 days.
At the scan I had, it was discovered that H is estimated to weigh approx 3.9kgs already at 34 weeks and 4 days. his head circumference has been estimated at 36.9cms which is well and truly the size of a large full term baby. Oh dear! Thank god I ain't pushing that one out.
So this is the plan...
Steroids were give today and yesterday, see OB on Monday to decide which day and out he comes. Ideally I would love to get to at least 36 weeks but I don't know if emotionally I can do it. I can't stop thinking that H will go to sleep like J did. Sounds silly I know, but that's what happens after you have gone through something like that.
I just want this rollercoaster to be over. After going through what we did with M, we know that the majority of time, babies are better out that in when they have freaking out parents.
35 weeks on Saturday...
So I guess I will let you know on Monday what happens....
At the scan I had, it was discovered that H is estimated to weigh approx 3.9kgs already at 34 weeks and 4 days. his head circumference has been estimated at 36.9cms which is well and truly the size of a large full term baby. Oh dear! Thank god I ain't pushing that one out.
So this is the plan...
Steroids were give today and yesterday, see OB on Monday to decide which day and out he comes. Ideally I would love to get to at least 36 weeks but I don't know if emotionally I can do it. I can't stop thinking that H will go to sleep like J did. Sounds silly I know, but that's what happens after you have gone through something like that.
I just want this rollercoaster to be over. After going through what we did with M, we know that the majority of time, babies are better out that in when they have freaking out parents.
35 weeks on Saturday...
So I guess I will let you know on Monday what happens....
Monday, September 3, 2007
Braxtons have hit...
After complaining that I have never experienced BH's contractions they hit today with a vengenace. So much that I had to stop in my tracks at times. They thankfully don't last to long.
30 days to go - 29 needles to go.
I received my packed from Bump, Baby and Beyond today. The clothes are gorgeous. But the sizes aren't very generous. Don't think they will fit bub for to long but that's ok. They were to cute and cheap to pass up.
Had 2 sleeps today while M was at Kindy. Feel like I could go to bed again right now. Early night for me no doubt.
Well better feed these animals.
30 days to go - 29 needles to go.
I received my packed from Bump, Baby and Beyond today. The clothes are gorgeous. But the sizes aren't very generous. Don't think they will fit bub for to long but that's ok. They were to cute and cheap to pass up.
Had 2 sleeps today while M was at Kindy. Feel like I could go to bed again right now. Early night for me no doubt.
Well better feed these animals.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
What a BLAH day...
Decided to brave the shops this morning as M is in deseperate need of clothes. After walking around for about 3 hours I decided I was well and truly over it and headed home. I am so so sore today. Feeling pretty crappy actually. My sciatica nerve in my right leg is really playing up. Rolling over in bed is just near impossible at time. Very much over being pregnant.
On top of this, Mitchell is sick. Some whoppers in that nappy of his at the moment. It's times like this that I am glad he is not toilet trained as yet. I could just imagine the mess if he had an accident.
Well this is a short one today. Off to have dinner and then head to bed. Have to stay awake though in bed to watch the first episode back of "So You Think You Can Dance". Love that show.
Sweet dreams all. xoxo
On top of this, Mitchell is sick. Some whoppers in that nappy of his at the moment. It's times like this that I am glad he is not toilet trained as yet. I could just imagine the mess if he had an accident.
Well this is a short one today. Off to have dinner and then head to bed. Have to stay awake though in bed to watch the first episode back of "So You Think You Can Dance". Love that show.
Sweet dreams all. xoxo
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
H's Nursery..
My first ever blog post

Hi everyone..
I thought that seeing as this baby is due in just over 4 weeks, I should get in to this blogging thing so I can look back in a few years and remember the boys first moments together and watch them grow in to best mates or I hope anyway.
So as I said, I have just over 4 weeks to go and I am feeling a little bit of every emotion possible.
Scared, nervous, excited, apprehensive, love etc etc etc.
Scared of the unknown I guess as I have never been in this situation where I know when this baby will be coming and I know this baby will be more than likely coming home with me. Wow.. I get all teary thinking about that. Dream come true.
I thought that seeing as this baby is due in just over 4 weeks, I should get in to this blogging thing so I can look back in a few years and remember the boys first moments together and watch them grow in to best mates or I hope anyway.
So as I said, I have just over 4 weeks to go and I am feeling a little bit of every emotion possible.
Scared, nervous, excited, apprehensive, love etc etc etc.
Scared of the unknown I guess as I have never been in this situation where I know when this baby will be coming and I know this baby will be more than likely coming home with me. Wow.. I get all teary thinking about that. Dream come true.
This baby is huge also. Check out my belly. Taken at 33 weeks.
I am also feeling sad for Mitchell. He won't be the baby anymore. My little man will have to grow up all of a sudden.
Enough blabber for me. For now...
Have a lovely day..
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