Thursday, September 6, 2007

How things can change...

Well.. After spending Tuesday night in hospital with false labour pains and having a scan done on Wednesday, it has been decided H will make an appearance within 7-10 days.

At the scan I had, it was discovered that H is estimated to weigh approx 3.9kgs already at 34 weeks and 4 days. his head circumference has been estimated at 36.9cms which is well and truly the size of a large full term baby. Oh dear! Thank god I ain't pushing that one out.

So this is the plan...

Steroids were give today and yesterday, see OB on Monday to decide which day and out he comes. Ideally I would love to get to at least 36 weeks but I don't know if emotionally I can do it. I can't stop thinking that H will go to sleep like J did. Sounds silly I know, but that's what happens after you have gone through something like that.

I just want this rollercoaster to be over. After going through what we did with M, we know that the majority of time, babies are better out that in when they have freaking out parents.

35 weeks on Saturday...

So I guess I will let you know on Monday what happens....


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