Monday, September 3, 2007

Braxtons have hit...

After complaining that I have never experienced BH's contractions they hit today with a vengenace. So much that I had to stop in my tracks at times. They thankfully don't last to long.

30 days to go - 29 needles to go.

I received my packed from Bump, Baby and Beyond today. The clothes are gorgeous. But the sizes aren't very generous. Don't think they will fit bub for to long but that's ok. They were to cute and cheap to pass up.

Had 2 sleeps today while M was at Kindy. Feel like I could go to bed again right now. Early night for me no doubt.

Well better feed these animals.


1 comment:

Sally said...

Hey Caroline,

Didn't realise you had a blog! But I'm loving it, and all your pictures. They look great. The baby's nursery is so cute! And your belly is so big!

I hope you are going OK, saw that your baby will be here next week. How exciting!!

I will be stalking for updates now LOL!