Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We had a breastfeed...

Well, I am exhausted.

But....Hayden had a full booby feed. YAY! He went so well and was so full afterwards that he slept for 3 hours. Let's hope he keeps that up at home.

Oh and can you believe this nurse today. She called me a COW! because I produce so much milk (lol) She asked if I was interested in donating to the milk bank. I am seriously considering it. If I can help one newborn who doesn't have the best start to life due to prematurity or something, then I am all for it. I will only donate all my frozen milk (and trust me, there is a lot already) once Hayden is home and fully breastfed.

He also had his newborn screening hearing test today. He passed with flying colours.

Check this pic out - My little DJ having his hearing test:

And I love this one I took today:

Oh and one with Mitchell:

Anyway I am exhausted, am going to express and head to bed.

Till next time...

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